#MTBoS30- Day 8

Putting it all together- that’s what my mind is trying to do.  There are a TON (really, there are) of great resources out there on the web via the #MTBoS.  There are times where it is hard to decide what to use, when to use it and where.  I am lucky enough to be slightly flexible in my curriculum (and also a curse because of the nature of the placement).

So, because I teach in MN and there are no “perfectly pre-packaged curriculum” (really who even wants that truly?), my mind is trying to wrap itself around what would be a good meld of components in the classroom.  Like I mentioned in my previous post, Science Practices in Math, I really believe that restructuring the lesson layout will help not only my students, but others as well.

Currently I have been using parts of David Wees a2i, an online curriculum for Algebra 1 and 2 as well as Geometry.  It has opening activities and I like the exploration of topics.  I also need to work with resources I find great (and my students do too) such as Estimation 180, Open Middle, WOBD, Would you Rather, Visual Patterns.

This summer will be interesting for me…

Thank You to Parents

It’s that time of year to wrap things up.  One thing I like to do is send out an end-of-year letter to parents to talk about the year and end on a positive note.  Here is my letter…

Dear Parent/Guardian of <name>,


I wanted to take time and thank you for sharing your child with me this year.  It truly has been a pleasure to have <name> in class.  One thing I have told students this year is that we are all responsible for our education, teacher and students.  This year, your student has done an outstanding job contributing to their mathematics education.  Students present different strategies and understanding of math, allowing us all to learn.  I am not sure what <name> has told you about class but we have done a lot of great things this year.

<name> has learned to work collaboratively with others.  <he/she> has shared the different responsibilities of group work: leader, recorder, participant and timekeeper.  <he/she> has presented <his/her> work to the class, explained <his/her> thinking and justified why <his/her> methods worked.  <name> has compared <his/her> work to others, finding both similarities and differences.  This has allowed <name> to refine <his/her> thinking and approaches to math problems.  <name> have also reflected on the lessons, letting me know what parts <he/she> understand and what things <he/she> still needs help with.

<name> have used a variety of technology to help <him/her> learn.  <he/she> has watched videos and constructed graphs from them, and created <his/her> own videos to represent graphs.  Through the use of mobile devices, <he/she> has captured pictures and recorded videos.  <name> has used computers to prepare presentations that showcase <his/her> work, create reports about projects and investigations, and has construct informational posters to display or develop lessons to help other students learn.

<name> has constructed understanding- <he/she> can take a situation and apply <his/her> problem solving skills. Besides the growth in verbal communication, this is the biggest accomplishment by <name> this year.  Being able to see a situation, understand the mathematics behind it and find an answer is the heart of what we do everyday in class.  Having this skill will allow <name> to be successful in whatever profession <he/she> decides to pursue.

I want to thank <name> for all of the effort <he/she> has provided in my classroom. <<insert personalized student information here>> It has created an environment where students can share ideas, discuss options and derive answers.  Without this, the class would not be as successful as it is.


Thank you for the support this past year and I wish you and your child the best in the years to come,


Mr. Anderson